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Reiki Healing & Bodywork
Treatments & Trainings

Welcome to Peace in me 

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Welcome to Peace in me

My name is Leonie Palfi.

I am a experienced Reiki Master therapist and Bodyworker living in Uluwatu, Bali.

Leonie Palfi - Reiki therapist

Ready for your transformative Reiki treatment?

Healing Services

Reiki in Person 
(Uluwatu, Bali)

Reiki in person will seamlessly guide you to a state of calm. 

In the quiet surroundings of my home or in a place where you feel comfortable, Reiki allows me to guide your mind, body, and spirit into serenity through gentle hand placement on or directly over your body.


88 € / 90 min

Reiki & Bodywork
in Person
(Uluwatu, Bali)

Experience a special kind of healing treatment.

With the combination of Reiki & Bodywork Alchemy, your body will be healed on the emotional, mental, astral, etheric, spiritual and physical levels. For this I will use Reiki, as well as certain massage techniques on the whole body.


Distance Reiki Treatment

If you’re unable to join an in-person session, please select my online Reiki treatment. Distance Reiki treatments work just as efficiently as in person treatments.


55 € / 90 min



Become a Reiki Healer yourself!

Are you ready to become a Reiki healer yourself and immerse yourself in a magical world that you can feel?

Embark on your personal journey of training to connect and heal yourself and others with Reiki energy. 

Being attuned to Reiki can significantly lead to personal growth by becoming aware and in touch with your hearts purpose. 


The trainings are either held 1:1 in person (Uluwatu, Bali) or online.


Ready for a deep dive into exploring the world of energy healing? 

Check the trainings offered below!

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